Minister Sarah Abraham Israel

I was raised up in the Baptist church from when I was a young child. But, they never taught us to keep the actual commandments of God. I later discovered that there are many more than just the 10 commandments that are commonly recited during Christian church services.

If you take the time to thoroughly the bible, you’ll find that there are literally hundreds of commandments that The Most High God told us to keep — from the Old Testament all the way up until the New Testament (which we are now living through today).

I’d heard over and over again that all you had to do to be saved was to just confess your sins to God, invite Jesus into your heart and then you’re immediately saved from eternal damnation. Yet, even as a child, this concept did not sit right with me. Deep down in my spirit, I knew that we believers were required to do more in this life than just simply pray the “sinner’s prayer” and keep right on living wild like most other people were existing (in their sinful natures).

My extremely tumultuous life (the tragedies, losses, betrayals, hurts and pains) drove me to seek out the higher ways of God. And it was during this time that God revealed my true identity to me. Over the course of several months, and in many different ways, The Most High God revealed to me that my real name is Sarah Israel. The name Abraham is my kingdom husband’s name which I have assumed as a part of my identity. As soon as I discovered my true Israelite heritage, I immediately began to study and keep the biblical commandments — back in May of 2017.

“And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind, and with all thy strength: this is the first commandment.” Mark 12:30

“If ye love me, keep my commandments.” John 14:15

Minister Sarah Abraham Israel - photo feeding the nations -

The Lord gave me this ministry to reach out to my people, the beloved melanated Nation of Israel, to turn the hearts of the people back to our Father God. That’s my mission and driving force behind everything we do here at The Sarah Blessing Ministries.